Two Day event:
The RWF is hosting a 2-day shoot June 11 &12, 2016. Saturday the 11th
will be a shoot held for Pheasants Forever, and Sunday the12th will be the
RWF’s Fun Day Sunday with proceeds of the shoot going to the Regina
Wildlife Federation. This event will be a great time with ,and proceeds going
to good organizations. Please plan to attend and support these shoots.
Saskatchewan Pheasants Forever is hosting a one-day sporting clay shoot
and dinner with proceeds going to support Pheasants Forever projects in
Saskatchewan. This is the eighth time an event like this has been held by
the organization so please plan to attend and support Pheasants Forever.
There will be prizes for participants, auction items and a fun day. Scores
will only be recorded if shooter requests it. Participants can choose to
shoot either of the 100 target events or all 200 targets.
See posters for more detail