A Regina Wildlife Federation membership is valid for one year from the date of purchase and includes a membership with the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation.
- All Memberships include:
- A comprehensive insurance package (Provided by SWF)
- Subscription to Outdoor Canada West magazine
- Eligibility to participate in ALL provincial programs
- These memberships do not include access to the restricted handgun ranges and cannot be used to obtain a handgun transport permit.
- Handgun memberships can be obtained from one of the three handgun clubs who are affiliated with the Regina Wildlife Federation (Click here for handgun range information).
- Gate Access Card
- Required & only available to General & Master members and Guardians of Youth Members
- $10 Purchase
- Re-activated when membership is renewed, it is NOT necessary to obtain a new card every year.
Items Available for Purchase: Prices Listed do NOT include GST. GST will be Added. (All Memberships are Annual Memberships and are paid for at time of purchase. All Memberships are good for 1 Year from the Date of Purchase!! )
Master Membership – $185 Yearly
(full membership, ALL NON handgun ranges – to use a handgun range, you must also be a member of the handgun club that is assigned to that range)
General Membership – $145 Yearly
(full membership, no range access – you can use a handgun range provided you are also a member of the handgun club that is assigned to that range)
Note: If you accidentally purchased a General Membership when you wanted a Master Membership, you can purchase a “General to Master Membership Upgrade” in the additional items under “RWF Memberships”.
Conservation Membership – $55 Yearly
(Voting member, limited property access, no gate card, no use of any ranges)
Family Membership – $35 Yearly
(Same access & range privileges as the Master or General membership purchased;
Spouse and Children of the member who are 18 years of age and under qualify provided they are living at your address)
Special Youth Membership – $40 Yearly
(Provides Access to all NON HANDGUN Ranges, 18 years of age and under qualify. They do not need to be living at your address)
Gate Card Purchase – $10
A Gate Card is required to access the RWF Property. If your gate card is lost, stolen or damaged, another gate card can be purchased.
Indoor Range Access – $100/person/Yearly – Click here for details
There are two types of Access – Club Access and Anytime Access.
Club Access – This allows access only on the evening assigned to one of our Handgun Clubs. This means that you must be a member of one of these clubs. Your gate card will not open the security door. The security door will be opened by one of the representatives from the Handgun club.
Fee is $100 plus GST
Anytime Access – This access is NOT available to new members. Only those that have been members of one of our handgun clubs for at least 1 year are eligible. Those that have been a member of the RWF for 1 year and don’t belong to a handgun club and ONLY shoot .22 Rimfire Rifles are also eligible. You must attend an Indoor Range orientation session on how to use the range and then your gate card will be programmed to open the security door between 6 a.m. and Midnight, PROVIDED the range is not being rented or used.
Fee is $200 plus GST or $300 plus GST for you and your family.
General to Master Membership Upgrade – $40
At any time, you may upgrade your General Membership to a Master Membership and a new updated card will be sent to you.